What better way to end the day than looking at one of my favorite classic cars...a 1973 2002tii Touring. Sadly never sold in the USA but this is one of a few that made it over and are now pricey collectors items. In stock silver.....

What better way to end the day than looking at one of my favorite classic cars...a 1973 2002tii Touring. Sadly never sold in the USA but this is one of a few that made it over and are now pricey collectors items. In stock silver.....

VIFA Helsinki Bluetooth Speaker - a great example of the recent fusion between fashion/ textiles and consumer electronics

VIFA Helsinki Bluetooth Speaker - a great example of the recent fusion between fashion/ textiles and consumer electronics

ICD/ ITKE University of Stuttgart Research Pavilion demonstrating Bio-Inspired Design Research: Moth-derived processes enabled by drones and industrial robots. 

ICD/ ITKE University of Stuttgart Research Pavilion demonstrating Bio-Inspired Design Research: Moth-derived processes enabled by drones and industrial robots.